Honourable teachers.!
Respectable juries.!
And all my lovely brothers.!
                               السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الجمدلله هدان لهاذا وماكنا انهتدي لوان هدا نا الله والذي جمعنا لهاذا وماكنا لنجتمع لولا جمعنا الله هنا نحمده ونستعينه ونتوب اليه ونعوذبالله من شرورانفسنا ومن سيات اعمالنا من يهدي الله مضل له ومن يضلله فلا هاديله اشهدان لا اله الا الله واشهد ان محمدا رسول الله عبده ورسوله
ايها الاحباء السعداء
Praise be to Allah swt, the owner of this universe, to him we worship and to him we ask for help and assistance, Sholawat and greeting we consult to our prophet muhammad who has combated every evil in this world and he is destractive unbelieve man.
            Our beloved muslim we should like to discuss with the title :

                        PRAYER THE PILLAR OF RELIGION

            Every muslim says and knows in their heart taht prayer is the pillar of religion and indeed this is so it has become line which devides islam from non islam islam is only not thus describe it but has made it the pillar of the faith because of its exalted position its supreme value at it is great importance to god and his prophet god has ordered us to be mindfull of ti saying : guard strickly your prayers especially the midle prayer and stand before god with all devotion.

            The prophet says the first thing that the slave of god will be called, to account for the day of judgement will be prayer if it was good his deed will have been good if it was bad his deed will have been bad too.
God has made prayer the way to succes prosperity, and happiness: “the believers must eventually be prosperous who are humble uin their prayers( qs 23 . 1-2)
            Genuine prayer based of humility and submission illuminate the heart prifiese the soul, and teaches the worshipers both the refinements of worship, and his obligations to the divinity of the great and almighty god, for it is trough prayer that the glory and majesty of god is implented in his heart. Payer ondows ennoubles man with such exellecent virtuous of caracther as truthfuelness honesty moderation intergrity understanding  madesty faireness and generouscity it raisies him up an direct him to the one god increasing fear and dare of him and his way his moral standard are raisied his soul is purified and his sad asidelying falsehood evil deceptimood inquility and disobiedence thus he proves to the world of almighty god to be the true: prayer retrains from indecency and evil and remembrance of god in this greatest thing in life and god knows the deed that they do it

Brothers in islam prayer has a form and spirit its form is worship with the body its spirit is  worship with the heart it is the material and spiritual exercises the heart and countenance of one who perform it will shine with divine light
I think enaugh here my speech and the last i say you:
                               السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

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